roll-off dumpster rentals do's and don'ts

Dos and Don’ts When Renting A Roll-Off Dumpster

  • Do: Determine your dumpster size needs. Assess the amount and type of waste you must dispose of before renting a roll-off dumpster. It helps when choosing the right-sized dumpster for your project.


  • Don’t: Overload the dumpster. Avoid exceeding the weight capacity or filling the dumpster above its edges. Overloaded dumpsters can pose safety risks and incur additional charges.


  • Do: Obtain the necessary permits. Check local regulations and obtain required permits before placing a dumpster on public property or the street.


  • Don’t: Violate local regulations. Familiarize yourself with local rules and regulations regarding dumpster rentals. Failure to comply can result in fines or penalties.


  • Do: Choose a suitable location. Place the dumpster on a flat, stable surface away from obstacles. Ensure easy access for loading and unloading.


  • Don’t: Block access. Ensure the dumpster placement does not obstruct driveways, walkways, or emergency exits. Consider the convenience and safety of others.


  • Do: Properly load the dumpster. Distribute weight evenly and avoid overloading. Proper loading ensures safe transport and efficient disposal.


  • Don’t: Ignore weight limits. Exceeding weight limits can result in extra fees. Monitor the weight of your materials and stay within the specified limits.


  • Do: Separate recyclables. If possible, separate recyclable materials from general waste. This promotes environmentally responsible disposal.


  • Don’t: Mix hazardous and prohibited waste. Keep dangerous materials separate from regular waste. Dispose of such materials following the appropriate guidelines.


  • Do: Adhere to the pickup schedule. We coordinate with you for a clear pickup schedule. Keep this pickup schedule in mind to avoid extra fees for dumpster delays. Prompt removal helps prevent additional fees and keeps your project on track.


  • Don’t: Delay pickup. You don’t have to wait for pick-up day. Schedule prompt dumpster removal once your project is complete to avoid additional rental charges.


  • Do: Consider safety. Be mindful of safety when loading heavy items. Use caution and seek assistance for large or bulky items if necessary.


  • Don’t: Ignore safety precautions. Avoid risky behaviors like climbing into the dumpster, and use proper lifting techniques to prevent injuries.


  • Do: Communicate special instructions. Please inform us of any special instructions or requirements for the pickup or placement of the dumpster.


  • Don’t: Dispose of appliances incorrectly. Some appliances may require special handling. Check with the rental company for guidance on the proper disposal of appliances.


  • Do: Get upfront pricing. Are you ready to rent a dumpster? Talk to our sales rep and get free upfront pricing whether you want a dumpster for a home remodel a yard, or a construction dumpster.